Senin, 23 November 2015

Shock and Danger to humans

Stung by electricity or commonly called shock is the event where there is a flow of electricity that flows on our bodies. This can happen because the human body is basically a good conductor, where the human body is mostly fluid so that it is able to conduct electricity well. Electric current can flow due to the potential difference between two points of the circuit, where the electric current will flow from the point that has voltage tingggi to a lower voltage. In the case of shock, our bodies become the liaison between electronic equipment (high-voltage) and ground (low voltage). That's because the electric current will flow through our body, it is in accordance with the nature of electricity which will search through the nearest road towards the Earth (in this case it is our bodies). For example when lightning occurs where the lightning grabbed a tree or building higher because it is the nearest road for the electric current to get to Earth

To prevent that we don't tersetrum it's easy is to "cut" the path of electrical current by using rubber sandals or other footwear that is both an insulator while holding the listrikelektronik equipment so that our bodies will not be connected directly to the ground (gound).

Shock can be dangerous to the human body because the electric current that flows in the human body will produce heat that can burn tissue and also caused disruption of the functions of the organs of the body, especially the heart, muscles, and brain. The effect brought about by shock include muscle spasms, breathing stops, irregular heart rate, burns the level three, until the worst is death.

The flow of electricity that flows on our bodies can cause injury by 3 ways:
Stop the heart (cardiac arrest), incurred as a result of the effects of electricity towards the heart.
The destruction of muscle, nerve, and tissue by electric current passing through the body.
Thermal burns due to contact with electrical current.

The following will be given tips on handling victims of shock, just maybe you will be widened pahlawa which can save the life of a person. The steps that you should be doing when handling victims of shock include:
If the body of the victim is still in contact with electric current, do not touch it with bare hands! Can-can you join the shock, immediately turn off the power source or cut the cord, if it doesn't work use objects that cannot drain electric (insulating) such as wood, rubber, or plastic. Or if you can't find the objects immediately kick only the body of the victim with the soles of your shoes.
Immediately check the body of the victim. make sure the power source is not stuck in the body of the victim, the victim's body to lay your terlentang and lift her chin, immediately call an ambulance if the conditions are severe.
While waiting for the arrival of an ambulance immediately to do first aid on victims by way of see and hear his breath, if the victim in a State of not breathing, immediately give a breath of relief. Try to press his nose with your fingers and breathed air into his mouth twice to his chest expands. then check the pulse in his neck, if in 5 seconds no signs, hit his chest as much as 5 times with both your Palm (Palm of the left hand is on top of the chest and the right hand is on top of the back of the left hand, the position of your hands is a line with the nipples) check for longer pulse nadinya, jita still does not exist, restart from the beginning.
If there is an open wound in the victim's body due to electric shock, immediately cover it with objects that do not conduct heat such as cloth or bandage.

Annisa Nawangsari
Teknik elektronika UTY

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